NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.
During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers. You can withdraw your child from special religious education by selecting alternative meaningful activities, or special education in ethics if it’s available.
You can update your preference by writing to the school or through the online form available at participating schools.
Visit the department’s website for more information about religion and ethics.
Jewish education
Information for the Jewish Education SRE curriculum.
Catholic education
Approved provider of SRE is the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay visit their site for the Catholic SRE Currriculm Scope & Sequence and Lesson Names
Students explore the Good News about Jesus. They will learn about God's love in a safe, fun environment. Trained SRE teachers use authorised curriculm materials that are interactive and age appropriate. The lessons are fun and inclusive and focus on love, goodness and hope which helps to build relience, character and faith.
Combined christian education
Combined Christian SRE is provided by SRE teachers from different Christian denominations and churches.
The approved providers in this combined arrangement are Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW) and Christian Community Churches of Australia.
Authorised by the Sydney Anglican Diocese read the Combined Christian SRE curriculum.
Ethics education
Read the approved providers’ authorised curriculum scope and sequence.